VARAMIS - Lifestyle Enhancement Supplements Wellness Brand
Web Design

Lifestyle Enhancement Supplements Wellness Brand

Web Design

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

VARAMIS is a modern wellness supplements brand formed with the ethos of 'Lifestyle Enhancement'. Their first market product concept is VARAMIS Hydrate - a  21st century solution to fast rehydration. Scientifically engineered with a premium blend of vitamins, minerals, rehydration salts and liver support ingredients, this wellness drink is ideal for hangover prevention and athletic performance and recovery.

The project's scope included designing a responsive e-commerce store to enhance the user experience and exceptional online shopping experience. Whilst also crafting a visual identity and compelling packaging design that reinforces VARAMIS's ethos.


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VARAMIS entered the market as a lifestyle enhancement supplements brand, committed to providing high-quality products that cater to consumers' well-being. The project scope included redesigning the e-commerce store for a seamless user experience, creating a distinctive visual identity that resonates with the brand's values, and developing captivating packaging designs to reinforce its premium and modern status.

Our goal was to create a premium, wellnes-focused visual identity for VARAMIS that stays consistent across web, mobile, packaging and print/digital installations. A packaging design for VARAMIS Hydrate which evoked emotion and desirability was also at the forefront of our minds. We also wanted VARAMIS's new e-commerce design to be able to scale as the product catalogue grew.

VARAMIS - Lifestyle Enhancement Supplements Wellness Brand


Before the project, VARAMIS faced challenges concerning user engagement, brand differentiation, and product presentation. The existing e-commerce store lacked an intuitive design, making it difficult for users to explore and purchase products. The brand's visual identity did not effectively convey its commitment to well-being and premium quality. Additionally, the packaging design did not reflect the brand's ethos and failed to captivate consumers.

We saw in the supplements market there lacked a focus on overall lifestyle enhancement whilst utilising high level digital and print design. Supplements are a highly competitive marked and there is a significant need for differentiation and a Unique Selling Point for real success.



The project began with a thorough exploration of VARAMIS's brand identity, mission, target audience, and competitive landscape. This served as the foundation for the project's direction. Through wireframing and prototyping, an intuitive e-commerce store was designed that facilitated easy product discovery, selection, and checkout.

A distinct visual identity was developed, encompassing logo design, color palette, typography choices, and visual elements that communicated the brand's focus on well-being and premium quality.

Captivating packaging designs were created to reflect VARAMIS's premium status and highlight the benefits of its lifestyle enhancement supplements. The packaging aimed to engage consumers and create a memorable unboxing experience.

VARAMIS - Lifestyle Enhancement Supplements Wellness Brand


The e-commerce store redesign enhanced user engagement through intuitive navigation, clear calls to action, and simplified checkout processes. The responsive design accommodated users across various devices, providing a consistent shopping experience. The website reinforced the branding of VARAMIS and integrates the visual identity to it's full potential.

The new visual identity effectively communicated VARAMIS' focus on well-being and premium quality, integrating logo, colors, typography, and design elements. Captivating packaging designs reflected the brand's premium status and are designed to engage consumers online and in person, enhancing the product presentation and unboxing experience.



The end result was a user-friendly e-commerce store design led to increased engagement and higher conversion rates, while the responsive design catered to diverse user preferences. The cohesive visual identity and packaging designs resonated with consumers, positioning VARAMIS as a provider of high-quality supplements.

The premium packaging designs reinforced VARAMIS's commitment to quality and contributed to building brand loyalty. The revamped visual identity and packaging designs enabled VARAMIS to stand out in the competitive lifestyle enhancement supplements market.


Our team and clients are worldwide. If you would like to discuss a new project, please get in touch using our email or book a call using our Calendly.