VIVENCIS Collective - Gen-Z Luxe Sustainable Streetwear E-Com Store
VIVENCIS Collective
Web Design

Gen-Z Luxe Sustainable Streetwear E-Com Store

VIVENCIS Collective
Web Design

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

VIVENCIS Collective is direct to consumer gen-z focused streetwear brand and emerged as a response to the growing demand for sustainable fashion. The brand envisioned itself as a pioneer in sustainable streetwear, offering fashionable clothing that reflected both style and eco-friendliness. We worked to bring the idea from initial concept to fully fledged product and brand through designing from beginning to end following a design-thinking design philosophy. Deliverables included e-commerce website design, a brand platform in the form of a visual identity and graphic design including print graphics, label design and packaging design for VIVENCIS Collective.

The project's scope included designing a responsive e-commerce store to enhance the user experience and crafting a visual identity and graphics that resonated with the brand's ethos and target market and allowed it to bring a new product proposition to the highly competitive fashion market.


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VIVENCIS Collective aimed to blend fashion and sustainability, offering consumers a unique shopping experience while promoting eco-conscious values. VIVENCIS Collective encapsulates modern, minimalistic premium streetwear produced ethically with sustainable materials and made to order construction. All VIVENCIS apparel is Fair Wear Foundation Certified and Global Organic Textile Standard certified and we ensured to use this as a primary unique selling point.

Our goal was to create a beautiful, modern and minimal visual identity for VIVENCIS Collective that expands across various digital touchpoints including Web, YouTube, Instagram, Tim Tok, Google Shopping and within UK billboard and print advertising installations. Another goal was to create a aesthetic and conversion rate optimised e-com website that was responsive across platforms and reflected the vast rise of mobile website traffic through social media.

VIVENCIS Collective
VIVENCIS CollectiveVIVENCIS CollectiveVIVENCIS Collective
VIVENCIS Collective - Gen-Z Luxe Sustainable Streetwear E-Com Store


In the current fashion industry, despite the rising demand for sustainability within worldwide culture there was a lack of a sustainable brand which gen-z and millennials really identified with and saw as a premium and desirable option - particularly in menswear. Existing sustainable brands placed a lack of emphasis on quality graphic and web design and more of a focus on their ethical initiatives. To put in simple term most people didn't think sustainable brands were particularly 'cool'.

VIVENCIS Collective faced challenges related to user engagement and brand differentiation. The existing e-commerce store lacked a coherent design, making navigation confusing for visitors. Additionally, the brand's visual identity lacked a premium look and feel did not effectively convey its commitment to sustainability and streetwear style, which hindered its ability to stand out in a competitive market.

VIVENCIS CollectiveVIVENCIS Collective
VIVENCIS Collective
VIVENCIS Collective


Our design process included research, analysis, ideation, wire-framing, high-fidelity design and prototyping in addition to rounds of usability testing, gaining feedback with actionable insights and then iterating. We ensured to maintain data-driven design decision and to clearly identity user pain points both for the e-com design and branding for VIVENCIS Collective.

Imagery was key to the success of VIVENCIS Collective, so we placed an emphasis on the conceptualisation of high quality product imagery and immersive visuals whilst remaining consistent in terms of editing and photography style. We focused on ensuring the logo redesign, color palette selection, typography choices and the creation of visual elements always focused on VIVENCIS key target market whilst maintaining creativity and uniqueness.

VIVENCIS CollectiveVIVENCIS CollectiveVIVENCIS Collective
VIVENCIS Collective - Gen-Z Luxe Sustainable Streetwear E-Com Store


We focused on the solution of creating a brand and online platform that the 16-29 year old market truly perceives as 'cool'. This was accomplished through various design methods, from photography style and model selection, market research and roadmaps of certain influencers to use across markets and incorporating gradients and the use of light with shadows and highlights within graphical print imagery.

The website was essential for VIVENCIS Collective and we created a design which is intuitive, modern and displays the full brand experience of VIVENCIS Collective. We ensured the website implemented the new visual identity to its full potential and was also primed for conversion rate optimisation.

Mobile traffic is the majority device traffic type for a brand such as VIVENCIS Collective, so we focused on creating high level responsive design and optimising imagery and visual elements to be effective across device platforms.

VIVENCIS Collective


The end result was a stunning new e-commerce platform, brand and graphics for VIVENCIS Collective which captures the brand's essence, merging sustainable values with streetwear aesthetics and aesthetic visual design. The e-commerce store's new UI/UX design improves user engagement through streamlined navigation and clear calls to action and VIVENCIS now have a visual identity and brand that truly connects with their demographic customer.

The new website copywriting we created for VIVENCIS Collective as part of the project now places on an emphasis on the quality of VIVENCIS's garments with a focus on the benefits of premium ringspun combed organic cotton. VIVENCIS saw an instant and growing significant rise in both their website conversion rate and ROAS utilising the new product and brand platform we had designed.

VIVENCIS Collective
VIVENCIS Collective

Our team and clients are worldwide. If you would like to discuss a new project, please get in touch using our email or book a call using our Calendly.