Clarita - Online Shopping Revolutionary SaaS Web App
App Design (UI/UX)

Online Shopping Revolutionary SaaS Web App

App Design (UI/UX)

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

At SOIR, we undertook an ambitious project to redefine the online shopping experience with Clarita, a browser extension and desktop app designed for the modern shopper aged between 25–40 years. Our goal was clear: to elevate the user experience of online shopping by enabling efficient bookmarking, planning, and tracking of purchases. Through this endeavor, we not only aimed to enhance the functional aspects of e-commerce but also to create a new visual identity and brand that resonated with our target demographic, blending utility with aesthetic appeal in the realm of digital shopping.

We worked from beginning to end to create a brand new SaaS product and visual identity through maintains a user-centred design philosophy. Deliverables included a web app design alongside brand identity and product strategy.


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The year 2020 marked a significant shift in retail, with online shopping in the United Kingdom accounting for 27.9% of total retail sales, translating to an expenditure of £141 billion. Fashion emerged as the frontrunner in this digital shopping spree. Despite the surge in e-commerce, a gap persisted in providing a unified, user-friendly platform that empowered shoppers to manage their online purchases seamlessly. Clarita was conceptualized to bridge this gap, offering a solution that streamlined the online shopping process, supported by a distinctive brand and visual identity that aligned with the users' lifestyle and preferences.

Clarita - Online Shopping Revolutionary SaaS Web App


The proliferation of online shopping platforms has led to a fragmented user experience, with shoppers navigating multiple websites and struggling to track their purchases and wishlists efficiently. Existing shopping apps and browser extensions focused narrowly on aspects like discount codes, neglecting the broader user experience. This oversight highlighted a significant challenge: how to enhance the online shopping journey to offer users greater control and a more comprehensive e-commerce experience. Our commitment was to address this challenge head-on, ensuring Clarita provided a holistic solution that catered to the diverse needs of online shoppers.



Our approach was rooted in extensive research and user interviews, aiming to delve deep into the habits and frustrations of regular online shoppers. We discovered key pain points, such as the difficulty in organizing purchases from various stores, the absence of timely notifications for sales or restocks, and the inability to centralize wishlist items in a meaningful way. Armed with these insights, we embarked on designing Clarita, ensuring our solution addressed these issues while also creating a new visual identity and brand that would appeal directly to our target audience, making Clarita not just a tool, but a part of their shopping lifestyle.

Clarita - Online Shopping Revolutionary SaaS Web App


Clarita emerged as a dual solution: a Safari browser extension complemented by a desktop application. This innovative approach allowed users to bookmark products from any online store, categorize them into wishlists, and track all online purchases through a user-friendly dashboard. A standout feature was the notification system, designed to alert users about any changes to items in their wishlist, including price drops and stock updates. Alongside the app's functionality, we crafted a new visual identity and brand for Clarita, embodying the sophistication and simplicity that appealed to our demographic, ensuring a cohesive user experience across all touchpoints.



The launch of Clarita revolutionized the online shopping experience for its users. The combination of a functional, well-designed SaaS application with a compelling visual identity and brand resonated strongly with the target audience. Users praised Clarita for its ability to simplify the shopping process, from bookmarking to purchase tracking, all presented within a brand aesthetic that spoke to their tastes and preferences. The project not only showcased our ability to solve complex user experience challenges but also our skill in branding and visual design, setting a new standard in the e-commerce space.

By addressing the real-world needs of online shoppers with a comprehensive tool and crafting a brand identity that captures the essence of the modern consumer, we've redefined what a digital shopping assistant can be. As we look forward to expanding Clarita's features and refining its design based on user feedback, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in creating engaging, user-centric SaaS products.


Our team and clients are worldwide. If you would like to discuss a new project, please get in touch using our email or book a call using our Calendly.